Cleaning Tips For Your Home And Office During Coronavirus Pandemic
The World Health Organization has announced that COVID-19 is a pandemic. Staying home saves lives and stops the spread.
As we’re all spending time at home, and working from your new home office. It is important to use safe and effective products to Clean and sanitise to prevents the spread of bacteria and viruses. Products to look out for are Household and commercial grade products that comply with Therapeutic Goods Order (TGO) approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
Always read the label and check the product information for effectiveness in killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Regularly clean and sanitise high touch points
Although good cleaning practise should also be in place, at least once-daily cleaning and sanitising of high-touch points, such as door handles, light switches, bench tops, railings, etc will bring optimum results to manage spread of germs.
There’s also a good chance, this once daily cleaning and sanitising will need to be increased come flu season again.
Happier and productive home office when thoroughly cleaned
As you’re spending more time in your home office or space, it is important to note that research points to clean and tidy offices equals to happier and productive employees versus an unclean and cluttered office brings out the opposite. So make sure you apply the same regular clean and sanitising practice of your general home space, to your home office area. So that your workspace is always clean, sanitised, and fresh. Don’t underestimate the value this would have to your concentration levels . Also something you could note with your colleagues at your next Zoom meeting!
Ask the professionals to complete a deep clean
We’re always here to help complete a deep clean of your house and home office space. Good news is that we were already using TGA approved Option C cleaning solution for our end of lease and deep cleans. So very little changes with our process and products we use. But can also complete the deep clean using hospital grade and TGA approved products, so you can rest assure that your house will not only be thoroughly cleaned, but sanitised with TGA approved hospital grade.
It’s a great idea to sanitise your regularly used appliances and gadgets too!
All these items, such as mobile phones, laptop/computer keyboards, remote controls, any regularly used appliances or gadgets should also be cleaned and sanitised on a regular basis to help stop the spread of germs.
Ask us about our Ready to Use Spray and Wipe solution, that is TGA Option C approved. We use this same product with a microfibre cloth to achieve our sanitising results.
Keep safe and stop the spread
Thank you to everyone and their efforts in slowing the spread of COVID-19. Keep practising good hygiene, social distancing, and ask us – the professionals to help with your cleaning needs.